Thursday, December 2, 2010

I don't know

what's wrong with me anymore... I'm so fucking fat and I can't get out of the funk that I'm in... I just don't know what to do... How do I get motivated again? I read your blogs and look at thinspo and everything under the sun that should be getting me motivated, but nothing seems to work... I can't be fat anymore. I need to be the good kind of head turner, the skinny kind. FUCK. I'm sorry for you new followers... I wish I could be better thinspo or have a better post.... I'm not just fat... I'm the fattest kind of fat... It would be totally different if I was 40lbs lighter... Then I'd still be fat, but not as fat... You know? Encouragement please... Advice too please... 


  1. Just eat healthy (like 1400cals a day) and exercise as much as you can. You wont be as hungry and a lot of the cals will be burned off.
    try eating an apple or a carrot before eating other things coz they will make you feel fuller with fiber. good luck. xo

  2. diet and exercise. burn more than you put in. that's the only formula hun and you can make it happen. if you eat a lot then make sure that day or the next you can get to the gym and burn it off. the maths really does work...figure out your BMR and add your calories burned in exercise to it. if you've eaten less than that then you're going in the right direction.
    you can do it -stay strong xx

  3. Thanks girlies. I'm going to get my gym membership back today. I can't wait :D
