Friday, November 19, 2010

Alrighty then...

I love new starts... I've been screwing up left and right because I'm on the rag and I don't feel like paying attention right now... I don't want to weigh myself because I know that it's not going to be fully accurate with all the bloating...... I crave chocolate like crazy, but chocolate's been making me sick lately... I'm glad... I still haven't been eating "right"... Like I said, I haven't felt like paying attention... So I want a new start and I'm going to take it... I'm completely broke because I've spent the last of my money on junk food and diet pills and chocolate and protien powder... It's a random list of things, but I'm not surprised... My cravings are overwhelming when I'm on... Ugh... But I'm past the worst of it... So... Don't give up on me yet because I really need the support... Right now I just want to drink water... Maybe have a chocolate to keep me from binging... Which is better? Exercising in the morning, at night, or both? Which is most effective? I can't stop thinking about food and exercise, but I love it.. I just need to get off my ass and get motivated so that all the money I spent on my "skinny" clothes doesn't go to waste... So yeah.. Motivation... Advice... Both are very much needed please


  1. exercise is good at anytime... although your body is apparently more ready to exercise at 4pm (if you get up at 6-8am.)
    drink some water if youre still feeling hungry eat the chocolate or even better a peice of fruit. Periods suck just have to get through them. i read once that you actually eat 25% less the week after your period, so i think thats a good time to make a new start :)

  2. Personally after I workout Im so tempted to binge because ive burned some calories so for me i like to do it right before bed that way i go straight to sleep and not straight to food! good luck stay strong!
