Monday, November 8, 2010

I need to be 180.. I have to be 180.

So today I was craving my little soy pumpkin spice cream... That part was no biggy.. I drank it.. It was delicious... But then I get to craving my cheese bagel.. Toasted.. with butter... It was yum and I made sure my parents saw me eat it... So tomorrow is going to be a zero cal day for me.. I have a short easy shift so I won't have to be tempted too long... But yeah.. I'm not setting a date for me to be 180.. I'm just focusing on getting there... I have to buy some food so that I don't binge on pure shit... fruits and veggies and whatnot.. I'll probably visit Trader Joe's tomorrow.. But.. I have got to drop some weight ASAP.. my former best friend from hs is coming home for the holiday.. yeah.. needless to say.. I know she's got to be pushing 200 if not past it... So I have to be as thin as possible before I possibly see her... Ugh.. I'm so tired of being fat


  1. i know how it is to give in a bit. just get back to losing. you can do it. get some lean protein with the veggies coz it fills you up for longer.

  2. The fruit and veggie plan sounds good :)
    You'll be lovely, I know it.
