Monday, November 1, 2010

Which one do you think looks worse?

Me trying to drag my fat ass up the hills in my neighborhood? Or my 80lb dalmation dragging my fat ass up the hills in my neighborhood? I say the first one because at least I had my cute dogs distracting from my ugly jiggling... So yeah... even though I haven't slept in 24 hours, I'm still awake.. and as soon as I got home from I grabbed my dogs and took them for a walk.. I'm so proud of my self.. I took the long way and everything.. So I was dragged up and down hills for a whole mile... I need to find some more exercises though.. This doesnt feel like enough.. On the even brighter side, I didn't eat at work! AYAYAAYAYAAYA! Translation: Way to go me!... Now hopefully my scales will tell me what I want to see