Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Animals

Here's my Lucky boy :).. He's almost 2 and he's deaf

Here's Sadie! She just turned 3... In case you don't know your breeds, she's a boxer :D

This is my lil Angel... She's 3 as well

Idk why, but I love this pic of me and Sadie


  1. I just found your blog!
    I love the pictures of your animals, so cute!
    Stay superstrong <3

  2. Your animals are so so so beautiful! I wish I had pets. The place Tim & I are moving into have a no pets rule (probably best, seeing as it's an upstair apartment, haha.) which we're devastated about.
    You're lucky! :)
    Thank you so much for commenting on my blog always; you're so beautiful. And the last picture, is adorable.
